12/14/17 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: Family Guy – Kanye Canes

Family Guy  animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company.The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter and Lois: their children are Meg, Chris and Stewie with their anthromophic pet dog, Brian. Continue reading

4/15/15 O&A Wildin Out Wednesday: Family Guy- Baby Got Black

wildin out wednesday


Baby Got Black is the eighteenth episode of the twelfth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy and the 228th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States on April 27, 2014, and is written by Kevin Biggins and Travis Bowe and directed by Brian Iles. In the episode, Chris falls in love with Jerome’s daughter, Pam, much to her father’s chagrin. When the two kids run away, Peter and Jerome team up to look for them. Continue reading