1/16/25 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY SPECIAL: Aaliyah – One In A Million

Aaliyah Dana Haughton, a talented R&B artist and actress, was born on January 16,1979 in Brooklyn,NewYork. From a young age , Aaliyah was passionate about music, beginning voice lessons  shortly after she learned to speak.

At just 12 years old, she  signed a contract with Jive  Records, setting her on the path to stardom. She gained widespread recognition in 1994 with her album, One In A Million.Happy Birthday!

 Aaliyah – One In A Million

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Out & About NYC Magazine was founded to offer the arts and lifestyle enthusiast a fresh new look at New York City. We will showcase the established and the emerging, the traditional and the trendy. And we will do it with élan, and panache with a dash of fun.
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