The BOONDOCKS is an adult animated sitcom on Cartoon Network’s late-night programming block, Adult Swim. The series premiered on November 6, 2005. Created by Aaron McGruder, BOONDOCKS is based on McGruder’s comic strip, which is distributed in over 350 newspapers nationwide. The sitcom revolves around a boy named Huey and his gangster-wannabe brother who have left the inner city to live with their grandfather in the suburbs.
R. Kelly Goes To Trial was the second episode of The BOONDOCKS. The episode aired on November 13, 2005. It was written by series creator Aaron McGruder and Rodney Barnes, and directed by Anthony Bell. The episode set the tone for the series irreverent jaw dropping satire and social commentary. The series remains controversial as it continues to lampoon celebrities and present its on spin on current events.
The episode presents it’s view on how R. Kelly beats the rap and lived to pee another day.