3/19/21 O&A NYC SHALL WE DANCE FRIDAY: DTH On Demand Presents: Firebird- (Last Day to Watch it !)

Dance Theatre of Harlem’s iconic Firebird places the Russian folk tale about a magical bird that triumphs over evil in an exotic Caribbean setting. John Taras’ choreography to Stravinsky’s familiar score was further enlivened by sets and costumes by Geoffrey Holder. The 1982 DTH production was a tremendous worldwide success.


This 1982 PBS documentary, “Stravinsky’s Firebird by Dance Theatre of Harlem,” takes viewers behind the scenes of the DTH Company’s acclaimed production. The Kennedy Center performance includes interviews with company founder Arthur Mitchell, John Taras, Geoffrey Holder, Stephanie Dabney, Donald Williams, and Lorraine Graves, followed by the online premiere of John Taras’ Firebird.

DTH On Demand Presents: Firebird

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