5/17/18 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY- ON THURSDAY: Spike Lee calls Trump, “That motherfucker” at Cannes Film Festival

Film director Spike Lee has lashed out at President Donald Trump calling him a ‘mother -fucker’ during an expletive-ridden rant at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday. The 61-year-old director, who refused to call Trump by his name, lambasted the President for his response to last year’s violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia.

That motherf*****’: Spike Lee blasts Trump

His comments came just hours after his new film, BlacKkKlansman, premiered at Cannes on Monday night to a rousing standing ovation. His film incorporates chilling footage from the Charlottesville riots and a dedication to Heather Heyer – the woman who was run down and killed.






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