Space Jam 2: A New Legacy is an upcoming 2021 live-action, animated, sporty comedy film directed by Malcolm D.Lee from a screenplay by Juel Taylor, Tony Rettenmaier, Keenan Coogler and Terence Nance.
Serving as a sequel to the original Space Jam, it will mark the first theatrically released film to feature the Looney Tunes: Back In Action. The film stars LeBron James as a fictionalized version pf himself along with Don Cheadle.
Sonequa Martin-Green and Cedric Joe in live action roles while Jeff Bergman, Eric Bauza and Zendaya headline the Looney Tunes cast.Space Jam: A New Legacy is scheduled to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures on July 16, 2021, both in theaters and on HBO Max for a month after its theatrical release.
Space Jam 2: A New Legacy Trailer