7/22/24 O&A NYC WITH WALESTYLEZ MOVIE TRAILER: Deadpool and Wolverine | Final Trailer | In Theaters July 26

The final Deadpool and Wolverine has officially dropped and it reveals the last bit of surprise before the release of the film. While fans get to see more of  Ryan Reynolds Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, the teaser has unveiled a slew of big reveals — including, Lady Deadpool and other variants of Merc with the Mouth. 

The full look of Lady Deadpool tips of the official arrival of the character. While there is speculation on who might be underneath that mask, another bigger reveal sees Dafne Keen make an appearance in the film. Keen fans would remember that she starred as the child mutant X-23.Deadpool and  Wolverine arrives in theaters on July 26.

Deadpool and Wolverine | Final Trailer | In Theaters July 26

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