8/11/24 O&A NYC GOSPEL SUNDAY: The Staple Singers – I’ll Take You There (Live)

The Staple Singers were a gospel, soul, and R&B family singing group and one of the first early crossover groups. Roebuck “Pops” Staples the patriarch of the family, formed the group with his children Cleotha, Pervis, and Mavis. Yvonne replaced her brother when he was drafted into the U.S. Army, and again in 1970.

Many people interpret this song I’ll Take You There as describing an imagined world in which the civil rights movement has succeeded: “No more smilin’ faces/lyin’ to the races.” Rolling Stone editor David Fricke described this song as the “epitome of the Muscle Shoals Sound”.

The Staple Singers- I’ll Take You There (LIVE)

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