Love is All You Need?– imagine a world where being gay was the norm. Where children are born and raised in a society that sends the message that being straight is disgusting and a sin. Ashley Curtis, a girl born to two mothers discovers her opposite-sex attraction as a girl and constantly hears from everyone her parents, religious leaders and school officials that she cannot love a boy.
Thanks to WingSpan Pictures, writer and director Kim Rocco Shields brings the intriguing thought to life in the short film Love is All You Need? Shields uses the short movie, which has already won 19 film festival awards, to tackle the harsh issues of bullying and suicide.
Love is All You Need?
“All the events that took place in this film are true stories from victims of bullying,” reads the text at the end of the movie. “This film is dedicated to any child who has ever felt such darkness due to others’ hatred and misunderstanding. Always know that love is meant to be within and you should never feel wrong or alone by being who you are … Unique.”