9/12/22 O&A NYC HOLLYWOOD MONDAY: CGI Animated Short Film: “Gladius” by ESMA | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Gladius Animated Short Film by Margaux Latapie, Grégory Diaz, Florian Cazes, Marie-Charlotte Deshayes-Ducos, Clément Petellaz, Baptiste Ouvrard, Jimmy Natchoo, Guillaume Mellet at ESMA. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery. Continue reading

7/20/15 O&A Hollywood Monday: Home Sweet Home


Home Sweet Home is a beautifully animated 3D short film about a house which escapes from its suburban foundations and sets off on an epic journey. Created by the talented Pierre Clenet, Alejandro Diaz, Romain Mazevet and Stéphane Paccolat, made in Supinfocom Arles during their last year in 2013. It took one year to create the film, and they used 3ds Max and Vray for rendering and Maya for animation. Compositing was done in after effects. Continue reading