Christmas in Washington is an annual Christmas television special that currently airs on the U.S. TNT network. The 2102 show was hosted by Conan O’Brien and starred Diana Ross, Demi Lovato, Megan Hilty, Scotty McCreery, and Chris Mann. Continue reading
Tag: Christmas in Washington
12/16/17 O&A NYC SATURDAY MORNING CONCERT: Diana Ross- Christmas in Washington (2012)
Christmas in Washington is an annual Christmas television special that currently airs on the U.S. TNT network. The 2102 show was hosted by Conan O’Brien and starred Diana Ross, Demi Lovato, Megan Hilty, Scotty McCreery, and Chris Mann. Continue reading
12/16/15 O&A NYC Song Of The Day: Diana Ross Christmas Medley Plus Bonus Tracks
Christmas in Washington is an annual Christmas television special that currently airs on the U.S. TNT network. The 2102 show was hosted by Conan O’Brien and starred Diana Ross, Demi Lovato, Megan Hilty, Scotty McCreery, and Chris Mann. Continue reading
12/18/14 O&A Throwback Thursday Holiday Greeting: Diana Ross- Christmas in Washington (2012)
Christmas in Washington is an annual Christmas television special that currently airs on the U.S. TNT network. The 2102 show was hosted by Conan O’Brien and starred Diana Ross, Demi Lovato, Megan Hilty, Scotty McCreery, and Chris Mann. Continue reading