5/19/17 O&A NYC SHALL WE DANCE FRIDAY: Happy Birthday Malcolm X- In Black and White

Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.”- Malcolm X Continue reading

5/19/15 O&A Dance: In Black and White (Excerpt from Brothers) Commemorating the Birthday of Malcolm X


In Black and White is an excerpt from Brothers a work about the relationships between men. This section deals with the civil right movement as seen through by Malcolm X. Performed by Hassan Blandford and Christopher Fishburn choreography by Walter Rutledge. Other sections explore the relationship between a Grandfather/Grandson and Jesus Christ and Simon of Cyrene. O&A NYC posts In Black and White to commemorate the Birthday of Malcolm X. 

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