9/18/24 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: The Last Dog in Springfield (Trump song parody)

At his debate against Kamala Harris, Donald Trump erroneously claimed that immigrants are eating the dogs and cats of red-blooded American citizens. This was based on an incident where a woman (who was not an immigrant) was indeed charged with such a crime, but then right-wing people posted online, saying that Hatian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were committing such crimes – not only false, but dangerous misinformation that will likely end in violence against innocent people. Continue reading

9/13/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: He’s Always a Moron (Billy Joel / She’s Always a Woman song parody)

A fitting music tribute to Orange 45 aka Fulton County Jail  prisoner P01135809. 

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 3/16/20 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: The Coronavirus Lament – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Randy Rainbow lampoons President Trump and his administration for the poor roll out of Coronavirus prevention. Trump “Making America Sick Again”.  Continue reading

9/1/19 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: Cheeto Christ Stupid Czar A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Randy Rainbow brings us another song parody with this Sunday morning tribute to Donald Trump- The Chosen One with his rendition of Cheeto Christ Stupid Czar.

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