This a video biography of the Harlem Renaissance, a negro movement where Black America developed significant cultural resources and a new cultural identity. It was an era of intellectual flowering. The levity of this movement produced great Black renaissance poets, music, art and literature .
History sees the timeline of this period as a important cultural movement in black america with influence decades immediately after. The voices of this era marched to a different beat. Writers .used a style of english that related to the african americans experience. The movement was centered in the Harlem part of New York City and named after 1925 anthology by Alain Locke. Langston Hughes was one of the contributing writers of the movement. Billie Holiday has musical roots in the movement. Etta James and Miles Davis were inspired by this music. Immortal technique based a song on the Harlem Renaissance. The music that came out of the movement like harlem blues and shake had a major influence on freestyle rap.
The Harlem Renaissance – Black Cultural Movement in Art Music and Literature