Frosty the Snowman (1969) is an animated Christmas television special based on the Walter E. Rollins and Steve Nelson song of the same name. It featured the voices  of comedians Jimmy Durante (in his final film role) as the film’s narrator, Billy De Wolfe as Professor Hinkle, and Jackie Vernon as Frosty. Continue reading

11/21/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Lisa Fischer- How Can I Ease The Pain


How Can I Ease the Pain is a song by Lisa Fischer, from her album So Intense. Continue reading

11/7/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Quincy Jones feat. Tamia – You Put A Move On My Heart

Tamia Marilyn Washington Hill, a R&B artist and songwriter. was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario. In 1994, after signing a development deal with Warner Bros. Records, she was asked by producer Quincy Jones to appear on his album Q’s Jook Joint, earning her Grammy Award nominations for their collaboration on You Put Move On My Heart and Slow Jam. O&A NYC continues its weeklong homage to music legend Quincy Jones. Continue reading

10/31/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Michael Jackson – Thriller

Thriller, Michael Jackson’s 1984 music video directed by John Landis and written by Landis and Jackson.   Continue reading

10/24/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Rihannna – Disturbia

Disturbia is by Pop artist Rihanna for  Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded,a re-release of her third studio album Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded . It was written by Andre Merritt, Chris Brown, Brian Kennedy and Rob. A, with the production of the song helmed by Kennedy. Continue reading

10/17/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Vincent Price Raps Thriller (1987)- The Tonight Show with Joan Rivers

Actor Vincent Price performs the iconic rap from Michael Jackson‘s mega hit Thriller. This was the first and only time performed the verses live on television Continue reading

9/26/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Michael McDonald – I Keep Forgettin’ (Every Time You’re Near)

Michael McDonald was born in St Louis, Missouri. As soon as he realized his musical abilities he sought out to play in local bands in the St Louis area until he was convinced to move. Continue reading

9/19/24 O&A THROWBACK THURSDAY: Jackie Wilson Baby Workout (Shindig 1965)

Baby Workout by Mr. Excitement aka Jackie Wilson from the album of the same name is about Wilson urging a girl to dance or work out all night long with him. Continue reading

9/12/24 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: Maze Ft. Frankie Beverly – Before I Let Go (Live ’95)

Frankie Beverly was an American singer, songwriter, and producer known primarily for his recordings with the soul and funk band Maze. He formed Maze, originally called Raw Soul, in his hometown of Philadelphia in 1970. He passed away on September 10th 2024 at the age of 77. Continue reading