Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise for the PS5 console. Nine months after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we find Miles still enlisting Peter’s help, but when the mysterious symbiote appears, Peter and Miles’ relationships are put to the test. Continue reading
Tag: Venom
9/17/21 O&A NYC WITH WALESTYLEZ MOVIE TRAILER:Venom – Let There Be Carnage Trailer
Sony Pictures Entertainment has moved up the theatrical release date for Venom: Let There be Carnage,by two weeks to Oct. 1, according to the studio’s website.
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Two well respected individuals of the Art Of Feet went at it with a four round contest.Yes the only battle to 4 rounds. G Nerd definitely challenged Venom and gave hime a run for his money while putting up a fight. In the end Venom was declared the winner.Da Modd fifth year anniversary was epic. Continue reading
10/7/18 O&A NYC WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK: October 7 through October 14, 2018
New York City in October is a great time of year (well anytime is a great time in NYC). This week there is outdoor sculpture in Harlem, Jazz in Brooklyn, Pizza in the Bronx and Dance honors its own at The Bessies. Here are a few of the many events happening in the city that never sleeps, guaranteed to keep you Out and About.
9/29/18 O&A NYC WITH WaleStylez MOVIE PREVIEW: VENOM Clip – To Protect and Sever
By Adewale Adekanbi Jr
Conveying director Ruben Fleishcer’s goal to portray Tom Hardy‘s character as an anti-hero, Venom is seen offering the group of heavily armed combatants a chance before calling for the symbiote. Continue reading
9/18/18 O&A NYC DANCE: Venom- Lust for life (Drake)
Venom gives Drake‘s Lust for Life an entire new meaning. Continue reading
4/24/18 O&A NYC WITH WaleStylez MOVIE TRAILER: Venom – Official Trailer
By Adewale Adekanbi Jr
Tom Hardy is Venom in a leaked clip Sony has just released the full trailer for Ruben Fleischer’s highly-anticipated Venom. Continue reading