9/1/16 O&A NYC POLITICS/ENTERTAINMENT: Amnesty Don- Joe Scarborough’s Donald Trump Tribute


Donald Trump, the republican president candidate, has become bad political comedy. MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough has composed a parody music track to address Trump’s immigration policy.    Continue reading

8/25/16 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY ON THURSDAY: Hitler Finds Out Trump Supports Amnesty

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Hitler Finds Out Trump Supports Amnesty, the parody mocking Donald Trump for his massive flip-flop on amnesty. The video brutally mocks Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter (who hilariously just released a new book, “In Trump We Trust”) and takes well-aimed shots at the people who turned Breitbart News into the “Trumpbart” propaganda network. Continue reading

8/22/16 O&A NYC WITH WaleStylez ART: Naked Donald Trump Statue Strips Down Nationwide

By Adewale Adekanbi Jr.


Just when you thought you’d really, truly seen too much of Donald Trump, life-size ass-naked statues of him start popping up around the country, starting in New York City’s Union Square last Thursday morning. Continue reading

8/17/16 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Steven Spielberg Unveils Latest Biopic Starring Daniel Day Lewis As Obama

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Steven Spielberg plans to direct a new Lincoln-style presidential biopic centered on President Obama starring Daniel Day-Lewis as the 44th president. The director presented an excerpt at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  Continue reading

8/15/16 O&A NYC HOLLYWOOD MONDAY: Gene Kelly- Singin’ in the Rain (1952)

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Singin’ in the Rain (1952) musical comedy film classic directed and choreographed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen. The film starred Kelly, Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds. Continue reading

8/10/16 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Dennis Rodman Reveals How He Broke His Penis

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Dennis Rodman details how he has broken his penis on three separate occasions. The two time winner of the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award’s penis has apparently spent a lot of time on the disabled list. The NBA star-turned-national curiosity recently sat down — carefully, no doubt- and recounts the painful incidences. Continue reading

8/10/16 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Dennis Rodman Reveals How He Broke His Penis

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Dennis Rodman details how he has broken his penis on three separate occasions. The two time winner of the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award’s penis has apparently spent a lot of time on the disabled list. The NBA star-turned-national curiosity recently sat down — carefully, no doubt- and recounts the painful incidences. Continue reading

8/3/16 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Millie Jackson- Phuck U Symphony

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Phuck U Symphony is one of the best-known tracks on Millie Jackson’s 1892 live album, Live And Outrageous. Jackson continues to include it in her live shows to this day. Continue reading