9/25/14- O&A Hollywood Monday: Miss Sophia – The Color Purple

Hollywood Mondays

Oprah Winfrey portrayed Sofia in the 1985 movie version of Alice Walkers novel The Color Purple. The role was Winfrey’s first venture into film and for many remains her most recognizable role. Winfrey was the high-spirited and independent Sophia who marries Albert’s (Danny Glovers) son Harpo (Willard E. Pugh). Sofia has suffered abuse from the men in her family, but unlike Celie (Whoopie Goldberg), she refuses to tolerate it. This high-spiritedness proves to be her downfall, as a rude remark to the town mayor’s wife and a retaliatory punch to the mayor himself ends with Sofia beaten and jailed. Continue reading

Hollywood Monday: Aaliyah- Queen Of The Damned

Hollywood Mondays


Queen of the Damned is a 2002 vampire horror film and a loose adaptation of the third novel of Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles series, The Queen of the Damned, although the film contains many plot elements from the latter novel’s predecessor, The Vampire Lestat. It stars Aaliyah as the vampire queen Akasha, and Stuart Townsend as the vampire Lestat. Queen of the Damned was released six months after Aaliyah’s death and is dedicated to her memory. In addition to the film clip Out and About NYC Magazine presents a behind the scene video and a deleted scene.  Continue reading

Hollywood Monday: Vin Diesel – Multi-Facial (1995)

Hollywood Mondays Multi-Facial_DVD_coverMulti-Facial is the movie that launched Vin Diesel’s career. The 1995 short film was directed, written, produced, scored by and starring Vin Diesel.  It had a budget of $3,000, which he paid for himself.

The story depicts the professional and emotional issues faced by Mike (Diesel), a multiracial (Italian and African American) actor. The film was noticed at the Cannes Film Festival by director Steven Spielberg, who remembered Diesel’s performance and cast him in the 1998 Oscar winning film Saving Private Ryan.

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O&A Hollywood Monday: The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Sweet Transvestite

By Walter Rutledge

Hollywood Mondays


The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a 1975 musical comedy horror film directed by Jim Sharman. The production is a humorous tribute to the science fiction and Horror B movies of the late 1930s through early 1970s. It stars Tim Curry, Susan Saradon, and Barry Bostwick along with cast members from the original Royal Court Theatre, Roxy Theatre and Belasco Theatre productions. Continue reading

Hollywood Monday: The Great Dictator- A Memorial Day Tribute

Hollywood Mondays


We chose this film clip to honor the brave men and women in our Armed Services. It is also a reminder that restraint and the wisdom to avoid a rush to judgement/violence makes us truly strong. War should always be the last and most regrettable option. Maybe if the Three Stooges, George, Dick and Donald (that’s George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld) had remembered this movie 4,486 American soldiers would still be alive and 32,226 others would not have been maimed or wounded in an unnecessary war. They paid the ultimate sacrifice because of WMD – Words of Mass Deception. Continue reading