1/13/15 O&A Inspirational Tuesday: Wayne Dyer- On Self Motivation


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s has discovered that there are no accidents. Although we may not be aware of who or what is “moving the checkers,” life has a purpose, and each step of our journey has something to teach us.
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1/6/14 O&A Inspirational Tuesday Bonus Edition: Tucker Bryant- Oreo

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Tucker Bryant, performing his poem Oreo for Stanford University during semifinals at the 2014 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational (CUPSI 2014).
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1/6/15 O&A Inspirational Tuesday: Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life and Leadership

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Oprah Winfrey visited the Stanford Graduate School of Business and sat down for a candid interview on the lessons she’s learned about life and business throughout her 40 year career. During a student-led interview Winfrey shares seminal moments of her career journey and the importance of listening to your instincts. Winfrey also offers advice to students on how to find their calling, “Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you.” Continue reading

11/18/14 O&A Inspirational Tuesday: Family


No matter how big or small our families are, it is important to share quality time and make priceless memories with them. As we approach the holiday season let’s try to remember that it’s not so much about the feast, but more about the precious time we spend together with our families.
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11/11/14 O&A Inspirational Tuesday: Castell J.R. Barnes



New York-native, Castell J.R. Barnes made his mark as an intellectual powerhouse using his personal and professional philosophy Prosper, The Elite Way. Barnes grew up during the 1990′s witnessing inner-city violence, cultural indifference, single parenting, economic struggle, and the lack of appreciation for education. Instead of falling victim to these circumstances and becoming a product of his environment, Barnes was inspired and defined by these conditions to become the promising speaker and inspiring author he is today.
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