8/30/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Django 2 Chains- Django Parody by @KingBach

A parody of Quintin Tarantino controversial pre-civil war film Django Unchained (the D is silent). Continue reading

4/1/23 O&A NYC BREAKING NEWS: Melania shots Hubby at Mar-a- Largo

An intoxicated Melania put two caps in to the former combover president Donald Trump. The two bullets from a 45 calibre automatic handgun hit Trump in his buttocks. One bullet unfortunately hit him a little lower removing his testacles. When asked she responded “I would have shot him in the balls. I was aiming for a much larger target.  Continue reading

3/22/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Our Gang /The Little Rascals- Mush n Milk “Don’t drink the milk…Why…. Its spoiled!”

wildin out wednesday nLTFV.St.4Mush n Milk is one of the series’ classics. Set in a boarding home for children it is most remembered for the breakfast scenes line, “Don’t drink the milk… Why? Its spoiled”.

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3/15/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Life’s a F***ing Fantasy for Santos – A Randy Rainbow Parody

  A Randy Rainbow Parody on our favorite lying congressman George Santos. Parodies: “Jolly Holiday” from Mary Poppins (Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman) “Georgy Girl” by The Seekers (Tom Springfield). Continue reading

2/1/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: If Disney Was Ratchet -Cinderella- Royal Wedding Saga

Is this what was really on closet queen and cartoon racist Walt Disney’s mind?  Continue reading

1/11/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: The Boondocks- “Pause” Tyler Perry Banded Episode

Robert plans to audition for the leading male role in Ma Dukes Finds Herself a Man, the latest play by Winston Jerome. Jerome is a superstar African-American playwright, director, and actor whose work, as Huey later describes, is formulaic, Christian-themed, and mostly centers around an outrageous gun-blasting matriarch named Ma Dukes (played by Winston himself, in drag.) As a former struggling actor in his youth, Robert is excited at the opportunity, and declares his intent to give Winston “everything I’ve got”; Riley advises him that he has to say “no homo” in addendum because, to Riley, “everything I’ve got” sounds gay. Continue reading

10/29/22 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: Classroom – Megan Thee Stallion- SNL

Things don’t go as expected for a substitute teacher (Ego Nwodim) when she takes over a class at a school in the city. Continue reading