1/6/14 O&A Inspirational Tuesday Bonus Edition: Tucker Bryant- Oreo

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Tucker Bryant, performing his poem Oreo for Stanford University during semifinals at the 2014 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational (CUPSI 2014).
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9/20/14 O&A Its Saturday: Ruby Dee Memorial Service Livestream Today 11am

It is Saturdayyiqlwwzy7so8c6c6nzcrA memorial for actress and civil rights activist Ruby Dee is scheduled to begin Saturday, September 20 at 11 a.m. ET/10 a.m. CT. The service will be held at the Riverside Church in New York and will feature music by Alicia Keys and Audra McDonald, reflections by former Mayor David Dinkins and Sonia Sanchez, and a eulogy by Harry Belafonte. Dee died June 11 at 91. Continue reading