O&A Saturday Dance Bonus: 1976 Television Debut of Mikhail Baryshnikov

mqdefault Mikhail Baryshnikov’s 1976 United States television debut live from Wolf Trap. The performance also featured  Gelsey Kirkland and Marianna Tcherkassky in Coppelia (pas de deux), Le spectre de la Rose, Vestris and Don Quixote (pas de deux). Continue reading

O&A NYC Wildin Out Wednesday: George Carlin – Seven Words You Can Never Can Never Say On Television

wildin out wednesday

george carlin

George Carlin’s best-known routine, Seven Words You Can Never Can Never Say On Television, was arrested after performing this routine at Milwaukee’s Summerfest and charged with violating obscenity laws. The case prompted Carlin to refer to the words as The Milwaukee Seven. Continue reading