11/17/21 O&A NYC WALESTYLEZ DANCE PARTY: Les Twins 11 Fire clips

Laurent Bourgeois (aka Lil Beast) and Larry Bourgeois (aka Ca Blaze) are the twin brothers also known as Les Twins. Here are eleven “fire” clips including battles, exhibitions and choreographed/staged dance.
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10/6/21 O&A NYC WALESTYLEZ DANCE PARTY:Issa International vYbe – Banks vs Luffy

Issa International vYbe dance battle arena is a movement where other artists can showcase their individual skills through battling each other through different genre of dance skills.Luffy versus Banks is a Krump dance battle venture. Continue reading

7/21/21 O&A NYC WALESTYLEZ DANCE PARTY: Stomp The Yard First Battle

Stomp the Yard is a 2007 dance drama film produced by Rainforest Films and released through Sony Pictures Screen Gems division on January 12,2007. Directed by Sylvian a college student at a fictional historically Black university who pledges to join a fictional Greek letter fraternity. Continue reading

11/25/20 O&A NYC WALESTLEZ DANCE PARTY: TightEyez & Baby TightEyez VS Big Konkrete & Twin Konkrete

This event took place Friday, Feb 26th 2010 in Sacramento, California.Tight Eyez & Baby Tight Eyez versus King Konkrete & Twin Konkrete. Continue reading