1/25/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Juliet Ibrahim Dazzles Mr Macaroni With Her Fantabolous Gift

Adebowale Debo Adedayo  known by his stage name Mr.Macaroni is a Nigerian actor, content creator and citizen activist.A trained thespian, his popularity grew from his comic skits on social media, where he plays the role of a political figure cum sugar daddy called Daddy Wa or a sadistic lecturer called Professor Hard Life. Continue reading

1/11/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: The Boondocks- “Pause” Tyler Perry Banded Episode

Robert plans to audition for the leading male role in Ma Dukes Finds Herself a Man, the latest play by Winston Jerome. Jerome is a superstar African-American playwright, director, and actor whose work, as Huey later describes, is formulaic, Christian-themed, and mostly centers around an outrageous gun-blasting matriarch named Ma Dukes (played by Winston himself, in drag.) As a former struggling actor in his youth, Robert is excited at the opportunity, and declares his intent to give Winston “everything I’ve got”; Riley advises him that he has to say “no homo” in addendum because, to Riley, “everything I’ve got” sounds gay. Continue reading

1/4/23 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Richard Pryor: Live & Smokin’ (1971)

Richard Pryor set the stage for the brash, no-holds-barred comedy practiced by later comic successes like Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. His soulful performance–and his legacy–are captured in LIVE AND SMOKIN’, released in 1985 but filmed 15 years earlier at New York City’s Improvisation. Included among the funny, wide-ranging (and often vulgar) skits is the now famous “Wino Preacher and Willie the Junkie” sequence. Continue reading

12/7/22 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Jennifer Lewis talks to Kayne West

Jenifer Lewis is not here for Kanye West’s anti-Semitism comments and demands he “shut his mouth” during her recent appearance on The Pascal Show.
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  11/23/22 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Rudolph Nureyev at Muppet Show

This episode is referred to in Jim Henson: the Works as a “key moment in season two, and in the entire history of the Muppets.” News that Rudolf Nureyev — the world’s most famous ballet dancer — would be appearing on the show “generated unprecedented press coverage and audience curiosity.” By season three, the show would have no more trouble attracting guest stars Continue reading

10/5/22 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Dennis Rodman Reveals How He Broke His Penis

wildin out wednesday579a47a412a112c25dd0ebdd-1470331471007Dennis Rodman details how he has broken his penis on three separate occasions. The two time winner of the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award’s penis has apparently spent a lot of time on the disabled list. The NBA star-turned-national curiosity recently sat down — carefully, no doubt- and recounts the painful incidences. Continue reading

5/4/22 O&A NYC WILDIN OUT WEDNESDAY: Django 2 Chains- Django Parody by @KingBach

A parody of Quintin Tarantino controversial pre-civil war film Django Unchained (the D is silent). Continue reading