8/10/20 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: Melania Trump Rates The President’s Performance At His Tulsa Rally Debacle

First Lady Melania Trump rates husband Donald Trump‘s performance at his Tulsa Rally debacle.
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8/3/20 O&A NYC LOCKDOWN LEARNING: YelloPain – My Vote Dont Count

YelloPain explains why you MUST VOTE and why local, city and state elections do matter. This video shows you how your vote makes a difference. So the next time a misinformed person says, “Obama did do enough for black people”. You can explain how government works and and who actually makes the laws.  Continue reading

7/22/20 O&A NYC INSPIRATIONAL TUESDAY/ ON WEDNESDAY: James Baldwin Discusses Racism

James Baldwin has an open discussion with Dick Cavett  about racial prejudice, civil rights activism and policing the segment aired 5/16/1969. Continue reading

7/19/20 O&A NYC LOCKDOWN LEARNING: Rep. John Lewis’ Speech at the 1963 March on Washington

 At 23 years old John Lewis was the youngest member of the Big Six; which was comprised of the leaders of the six most prominent civil rights organizations. These leaders included Martin Luther King Jr., James Farmer, A. Phillip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Andrew Young and Lewis; who Dr. King referred to as “That young man from Troy”. Continue reading

7/5/20 O&A NYC LOCKDOWN LEARNING: Bobby Seale : The 10 Point Program of The Black Panther Party.

The Ten-Point Program or The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense Ten-Point Platform and Program is a party platform written by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966 for the Black Panther Party.
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6/4/20 O&A NYC EXTRA!: Reverend Al Sharpton Eulogizes George Floyd During Minneapolis Memorial

The Rev. Al Sharpton was among those who eulogized Floyd, acknowledging the meaning of Floyd’s life and death for his family and community. Continue reading

5/20/20 O&A NYC INSPIRATIONAL TUESDAY- ON WEDNESDAY: President Obama’s Message to the Class of 2020

Watch President Obama celebrate America’s high school seniors as part of Graduate Together: America Honors the Class of 2020. Continue reading

5/11/20 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: 5/11/20 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES: Best Jokes of President Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner 

Remember when we had a president with wit, charm and the savvy to deliver  self-deprecating jokes? President Obama brings down the house with great stand-up timing at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Continue reading

2/25/20 O&A NYC INSPIRATIONAL TUESDAY: Malcolm X on CBC’s Front Page Challenge

He was revered. He was despised. Some saw him as a guardian of civil rights, a force of empowerment and self-respect for blacks in America. Others branded him a provocateur, a racial supremacist and a menace. His words, incisive and unforgiving had the capacity to unite – and divide.
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1/9/20 O&A NYC THROWBACK THURSDAY: War – Edwin Starr

On the day that Edwin Starr’s War was released in June 1970, two Detroiters in their twenties were jailed for five years for ransacking a Chicago draft board office and burning its records – yet another example of the anger and rebellion which America’s prosecution of the Vietnam war was continuing to stir among the country’s young. The artists of Motown were hardly known at that time for social commentary and controversial material, but Starr had no superstar reputation to put at risk when he cut the song in May 1970. Continue reading