2/11/25 O&A NYC DANCE: Kevin Iega Jeff Creates to Communicate With Homage

By Walter Rutledge 

Keeping in the spirit of his credo, “create to communicate”, Kevin Iega Jeff has choreographed Homage for the Jamel Gaines Creative Outlet. Homage will be presented during Remembering, the company’s 30th anniversary season celebration February 13, 14, 15 at BAM Fisher Fishman Space in downtown Brooklyn. The intergenerational ensemble work highlights the artistry of three accomplished female performers Shirley Black Brown Coward, Bahiyah Sayyed and Thera Ward. Continue reading

2/7/25 O&A NYC SHALL WE DANCE FRIDAY: Jamel Gaines Frontline Mentor

By Walter Rutledge

The applause has subsided, curtain fallen and the house lights are at half during a brief pause between dances. Instinctively we peruse the program to find the bio of that one standout performer. In many cases that dancer’s initial training and nurturing did not happen in one of metropolis’ elite dance academies. Instead, that first fire was probably kindled in a storefront, church basement, or school gymnasium. Continue reading

1/25/25 O&A NYC DANCE: Martin: A Ballet By Gordon Parks Act V- Mourning Place

The final act of Martin: A Ballet By Gordon Parks takes place after the death of Dr. King . John Jones (Dr Martin Luther King) Sheila Rohan (Rosa Parks) and James E. Murphy (Assassin). Continue reading

1/20/25 O&A NYC HAIL TO THE KING!: Martin: A Ballet By Gordon Parks (Prelude)


Martin: a ballet by Gordon Parks, an original five-movement ballet chronicling the struggles of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Filmed in 1990 the work stars John Jones as Dr. King and Sheila Rohan as Rosa Parks, featuring choreography by Real Lamb. “Martin” (PBS, 1990),  about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. Parks served as executive producer, director, composer, keyboardist and documentary photographer for this boldly ambitious project. Continue reading

1/17/25 O&A NYC SHALL WE DANCE FRIDAY: Happy Birthday Debbie Allen!!!

By Walter Rutledge

Happy Birthday to one of the dance world’s icons Debbie Allen. We had the opportunity to talk to Ms. Allen about a wide range of her life experiences from segregated dance classes in her native Texas, to heartless rejection and finally coming into her own in New York City. We pay tribute to a living dance legend and activist born on January 16th.- Walter Rutledge

In 2015 O&A NYC Editor-in-Chief Walter Rutledge interviewed Debbie Allen at the Faison Firehouse Theater for Dance Noir Magazine (DNM). The print article would discuss her relationship with Katherine Dunham. The video was produced as visual notes for the upcoming Dunham article. When the magazine suspended publication, out of respect for DNM Founder/Editor-in-Chief Carol Lloyd, we held the material with hopes of eventually printing the article for DNM. After eight years Ms. Allen’s words remain relevant, inspiring and informative and should be shared. We call this first installment Empathy. Continue reading

1/5/25 O&A NYC HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALVIN AILEY!: Alvin Ailey 1985 Cairo Interview- Historic Stock Video Footage

Today, January 5 is the 94th birthday of choreographer Alvin Ailey. O&A NYC shares rare video footage from a 1985 interview. The one-way dialogue between Alvin Ailey, founder of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater took place in Cairo, Egypt. (Note: We only hear Ailey’s answers; not questions asked). He talks about his life, his dance school, the motivational forces behind his choreography and theories of dance. Continue reading

1/3/25 O&A NYC DIVO ALERT: I Wanna Be Ready- Matthew Rushing

Interim Artistic Director Matthew Rushing premiered his fifth ballet, Sacred Songs, for the Alvin Ailey American dance Theater (AAADT) on December 20, 2024.  Today Friday, January 3, is the last opportunity this season to see this new work which uses the deleted music from the original production of Revelations. Continue reading

1/3/25 O&A NYC SHALL WE DANCE FRIDAY: Nureyev- Ballet’s Most Incredible Story

Shall We Dance FridayNureyev- Ballet’s Most Incredible Story is a striking and moving documentary from BAFTA nominated directors Jacqui and David Morris traces the extraordinary life of Rudolf Nureyev. From his birth in the 5th class carriage of a trans-Siberian train, to his dramatic leap to freedom in the West at the height of the Cold War, and unprecedented adulation as the most famous dancer in the world. Continue reading

12/22/24 O&A NYC DANCE REVIEW: Ailey Premieres by Boykin, Lobovitch, and Roberts

By Walter Rutledge

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is now halfway through their 66th New York season at New York City Center. In the 18 remaining performances this season, which runs until January 5, the company will present 19 works by 12 choreographers. The fall/winter Ailey season has become one of New York City’s annual holiday traditions. Continue reading

11/10/24 O&A NYC IN MEMORIAL: Judith Jamison (1943- 2024) Revelations Excerpts (Hollywood Palace 1968)

  O&A NYC celebrates the life and Legacy of Judith Jamison. 

“She was a unique, spectacular dancer who was majestic and queenly. She danced with eloquence and integrity.”– Sylvia Waters 2009-02-27-judithjamisoninalvinaileysrevelationsphotobyaileyarchivesThe Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performed two excerpts from his masterwork Revelations on the weekly television variety show The Hollywood Palace (1968). Continue reading