(Repost) 11/16/20 O&A HOLLYWOOD MONDAY: Cotton Comes To Harlem- Iris, Officer Jerema and the Paper Bag

Hollywood Mondayscotton-comes-to-harlem-movie-poster-1970-1020194569

Cotton Comes to Harlem was the beginning of short period in American film that featured black actors in leading roles and the themes dealt with issues from the African-American microcosm. With a screenplay by Arnold Perl and Ossie Davis, and directed by Davis this action drama represents the black prospective. Much of the film’s humor is urban black comedy, which was groundbreaking in 1970.

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10/21/17 O&A NYC THE MORNING FUNNIES/FOOD: Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls


Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls performed by Issac Hayes is the ninth episode of the second season of the animated television series South Park, and the 22nd episode of the series overall. Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls originally aired in the United States on August 19, 1998 on South Park.  Continue reading

(Repost) 4/1/14 O&A NYC DANCE: Martha Graham – Appalachian Spring and Rite of Spring

By Walter Rutledge


The recent all too-short season of the Martha Graham Dance Company at New York City Center was a resounding artistic success. The company performed two programs of Graham classics and stunning new works by Nacho Duato and Andonis Foniadakis. The Saturday March 22 evening program included two Graham classics Appalachian Spring (1944) and Rite of Spring (1984).  Both works reinforced the fact that Graham was not only as a master craftsman, but also as an artist with a strong sense of classic form, structure and design. Continue reading